About us

Let's get to know each other:
We are Masha and Dasha, we are cousins and founders of a brand of designer craft earrings with family values.
We are yin-yang in joint business and complement each other.

How did the creation idea come about?
Our grandparents lived in a large house in the village of Yarova, Donetsk region. Ever since I was a child, I remember how I loved looking at the variety of earrings and necklaces in our grandmother's chest.
Over the years, creating jewelry from natural stones has become her real hobby. Dasha often joked that we should open a store with her jewelry. But the idea remained an idea.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, grandparents were forced to leave home and move to Kyiv. Then the slightly transformed idea with decorations came back and the name itself came to us.
Yes, our grandmother works with us, she is the soul of our team. Therefore, in each of our jewelry lies great love for the cause, created by a loving family.